Spider Tombs

Spider Tombs
"Portcullis" recorded live at Westside Welding and Machine 2008'ish

you will never find me

Spider Tombs is Magnetic Lucifer and ImLooLoo


2011-12-08: live on-air WSGR 91.3 Port Huron, MI USA YouTube
2011-12-01: live Detroit, MI USA @ Donovan's Pub
2011-06-25: live Vancouver WA, USA @ Westside Welding and Machine / BBQ
2011-01-08: live Vancouver WA, USA @ warehouse party YouTube
2009-04-02: live Portland OR, USA @ Mission Theater and Pub YouTube
2008-10-09: live Portland OR, USA @ Pat's Pad
2008-07-05: live Vancouver WA, USA @ Westside Welding and Machine / NoiseBBQ
2008-03-28: live Vancouver WA, USA @ Westside Welding and Machine

Spider Tombs

Spider Tombs

Spider TombsSpider Tombs

Spider Tombs

Spider Tombs

Westside Welding and Machine