Previous/other bands: Dead Air/M.I.A. (89), COMB (90-92), Scar Crow (92-93), LEMA (95), Via Dolorosa (96), Fat Astronauts (97), Quathorn the Disemboweler and His Imps of Doom (96), The Hessians (97-99), We Are Pitbull (08), Jaws (08), and
Brizbomb (05-14),
Tata Duende (15-16), Cryptic Mystic Band (18-??).
Special thanks to:
Photos: Sharon,Cara,Anni,mom
Bookings: LeMaster,Ogo,Clarence,Andre,Pat,Rich,Abe,Justin/Olin,David,Bob,Christopher Luna,DJ Screendoor,DM Chandler.
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